Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Much Attention Does Your Chihuahua Need?

A Chihuahua could be a faithful mate or a unbalanced bad dream. Select a food thats low on grains and higher in beef. Frequently Chihuahuas arent prepared for house-training till they're about 12 weeks old. To start too early is a sure road to disappointment for you and your puppy. Most dogs desire masses of attention, but Chihuahuas appear to need a lot more than lots of other breeds. This is fine and your Chihuahua will absorb it all. He will be able to repay you with all of the affection and love you can stand and then some. If something occurs in your life that does not let you take the time with your dog that he is used to, he won't understand and is responsible to react as a consequence. To avoid sulks and bad behaviour the smartest thing to do is to determine the time you can spend with one another. Make it part of your daily agenda and stick to it. In the rest of the day you can go about your daily business. To summarize, it is fine for you to ruin your Chihuahua provided that there arent going to be any changes in your life that might affect the quantity of attention you can give him later. If this is a probability try hard not to screw up your Chihuahua too much or you will both suffer. Discipline for the behaviour thats sufficient. Socialization is vital for a well changed puppy.