Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ridiculous Tales About Chihuahuas : Some Are True!

By Bill Knell Some say it began with the Taco Bell dog. When the majority think about Celebs and their toy dogs, Yorkshire Terriers, Toy Poodles, Pekinese, Lhasas and Shih Tzus often are evoked.

Chihuahuas like to be held or carried around in their own shoulder bag and that makes them particularly enticing to busy celebs and folks who are always on the go. Early Wild West books and storybooks explained the tiny size of the Chihuahua by saying the animals were made thru a secret process employed by medication men or pagan monks in Mexico or South America. The method was related to have concerned the mixing of little dogs and rodents. dime novels weren't the only places where story tales about chihuahuas were spread. Early outlines of the dogs by Missionaries and Conquistadors traveling through South America indicated they were used in worship rites or perhaps eaten by loyal supporters of the Aztec faith.

Such outlines were frequently exaggerated to make the Aztec Folks appear fully pagan to Christians and, so, make a case for their conquest and conversion. But it also has to do with the undeniable fact that Chihuahuas are little, so easy to worry for and live a considerable time. Most have few health concerns and live from 15 to nineteen years old, with a median lifespan of sixteen years. Because stars are continually exposed to new scenarios and always on a tight schedule, they can appreciate the undeniable fact that most Chihuahuas have a tendency to attach themselves emotionally to one individual or family and barely bolt if given the break.

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