Friday, April 23, 2010

The Dachshund and Chihuahua house-training Quandary.

Bothering to discover what foods are OK and which may be dangerous, could save everyone a lot of heart ache in the future. To be on the safe side, it is better to hear your Vet and avoid feeding your Chihuahua table foods . Not feeding your Chihuahua table scraps may seem like a reasonably easy task, but recall Chihuahuas are cunning and will generally grab your food when you do not expect it.

You should generally keep your chocolate stored in area that they might never be able access. In brief never give your Chihuahua a genuine bone. Like a bone, sticks can also damage a dogs interior organs from chipping. This included the quandary of housebreaking. The owner of this breed must be cosy letting the dog know just who the "leader of the pack " truly is. The stubborn personality of this dog makes them resistant and not the best to house-train.

The proven fact that Chihuahuas are so small makes house-training them a little challenging. Chihuahuas can hide under furniture or sneak into corners unobserved and leave little surprise piles to be found at a later time. They don't like to get their feet wet so going outside to damp grown or wet grass deter the Chihuahua from going outside to potty. The 1st is to crate train or confinement train your dog. Hollie, my Dachshund-Chihuahua has a not much of both temperaments that has made housetraining her quite the challenge. While it might take much more for a bigger breed, it doesn't take quite as much for a miniscule Chihuahua.

Chihuahua history

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